Alyson Lin Hildum    Preikestolen, Norway, Summer 2014

Hello! This is my webpage, last updated September 4, 2014.

Are you looking for someone named Alyson Burchardt? Well that's me. I'm just married now.

About me: I'm a 2nd year postdoctoral fellow at McMaster University in Hamilton, ON working with Ian Hambleton. Our work together involves extending the research of I. Hambleton, M. Kreck, and P. Teichner in classifying geometrically 2-dimensional 4-manifolds up to s-cobordism to the case of 4-manifolds which have fundamental group isomorphic to certain right-angled Artin groups.

Office: Hamilton Hall 319, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University
Email address: ahildum "at" math "dot" mcmaster "dot" ca
Research Interests: Low-dimensional topology.
I've been known to read/think/learn/talk about knots, braids, surgery theory, K(G,1) spaces, Heegaard-Floer theory, Combinatorial Heegaard-Floer theory, RAAGs, and of course, 4-manifolds.

I received my Ph.D. from Brandeis University in May 2013, advised under Daniel Ruberman. My dissertation research involves minimizing the Euler characteristic of a 4-manifold with specified fundamental group a right-angled Artin group, and is summarized in my paper on the arXiv, and soon will appear in AGT.

Current teaching at McMaster University:

Math 1ZA3 Calculus for Engineers (Fall 2014)

Past teaching:

at McMaster University:
at Brandeis University:

Invited Talks

Other talks I've given in the past: 