Preliminary Examination

This page contains important information about the Preliminary Examination

  • Date of the next exam: 1:30pm on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 (format TBC)

  • A general description of the exam and exam papers from previous years can be found here.

  • You need to answer four questions from part A and three questions from part B. All questions are weighted evenly. You need to provide clear and complete explanations of all steps taken, and make sure to justify any assumptions you make in the process.

  • The requirements for passing the Preliminary Exam are:

    - demonstrate a complete understanding of at least 3 problems (out of 6) in Part A,

    - demonstrate a complete understanding of at least 2 problems (out of 4) in Part B,

    - and obtain a total score of at least 42 points out of 70 (for the seven attempted problems).

  • Information about instructors preparing different questions for the next Preliminary Exam is available here. Feel free to contact them to obtain more information.

  • Syllabus for the Pure Mathematics part.

  • Syllabus for the Applied Mathematics part.