TA Job Page |
- When should I apply?
- You can apply anytime. Your application will be kept on file for one year from the time that you filled it out.
- If I applied before, when should I re-apply?
- You can re-apply anytime. Your new application will be kept on file for one year from the time that you re-applied. Your new application will replace the old one.
- What are the minimum qualifications for a TA or marker position?
- The minimum qualifications to be a TA or marker for a calculus course is at least A- in both Math 1A03 and 1AA3 (or 1X03/1XX3 or 1N03/1NN3 or 1Z04/1ZZ5 or 1ZA3/1ZB3/1ZC3 or 1LS3/1LT3 or A&S 1D06, or an equivalent ISci course). For other courses, the minimum requirement is at least A- in that course.
But what if I took Math 1M03 and got a good mark? Then can I be a TA or marker for Math 1M03 or 1K03?
- No. Math 1M03 and 1K03 are calculus courses, and the minimum requirements are given above.
What if I got a B+ in Math 1A03 and then an A+ in Math 1AA3 and other higher level math courses?
- In that case you don't meet the minimum requirements as given above, and you therefore will not be considered for a calculus TA position.
Does that mean that I can never be a calculus TA just because I got one B+, even if I did well in higher level math courses?
- No, it doesn't mean that. If you have taken higher level math courses then you may be able to apply to our graduate program. If you are accepted to our graduate program then you might be offered a TAship at that time. Alternatively you could retake Math 1A03 and upgrade your mark. If you get A- or higher the second time around then you will meet the minimum requirements for a calculus TA position. However, note that your chances of getting a TA position after upgrading your mark are extremely small for the reasons given here
- When will I know whether or not I got the position?
- All applications are kept on file throughout the academic year (including summer terms) for consideration whenever a position becomes available. Only the successful applicants are contacted. If have you have not yet been contacted then it means that you will not be offered any positions that have been filled up until now. However, you still may be contacted regarding positions that may become available after today.
- What are my chances of obtaining a position?
- We might have about 20 positions available for undergraduate TAs each year, and we typically get about 100 applications. So your chances are about 1 in 5.
- I filled out the online application a month ago. Why have I not been contacted yet?
- You have not been contacted yet because you have not been selected for a position. Only the successful applicants are contacted. However, all applications are kept on file throughout the academic year (including summer terms) for consideration whenever a position becomes available. Therefore you still may be contacted (if selected) regarding positions that may become available after today.
- I applied last year and didn't get a position. What can I do to improve my chances in the future?
- To improve your chances of getting a position you should take more Math & Stats courses, and take a variety of Math & Stats courses. People who have taken a variety of Math & Stats courses will be qualified for more positions, and will therefore be more likely to be accepted. Here are some different areas that you could take courses in: calculus, vector calculus, linear algebra, abstract algebra, real analysis, complex analysis, numerical analysis, mathematical modelling, geometry, differential equations, partial differential equations, mathematical physics, mathematical biology, combinatorics, graph theory, logic, topology, number theory, statistics, probability, actuarial science, etc. So you can start by identifying areas in this list that you have not taken courses in, and then register for courses in these areas. For a full list of Math & Stats courses, you can consult the undergraduate calendar, or the Math Department
- Have all positions been filled yet?
- Positions generally become available at various times throughout the academic year. There are many factors affecting when positions become available, and we don't know in advance exactly when a new position is going to become available. Positions that may come up after today have not been filled yet.
- What if I filled out an application before, but now I want to change or update some information on my application?
- If you submit another online application, then it will override your previous one. Your new application will be kept on file for one year from the time that you filled out the new application. Therefore, if you want to update or change any information on your application, or renew your application, then simply fill out another online application form.
- I don't have an SIN number because I can't get one until I am hired. So how can I fill out the online application?
- Just enter 000000000 for now.