Review Topics

  • Exact vs. finite-precision arithmetic and its effect on numerical computations.
  • Sensitivity of solution of a linear system and eigenvalue computation to round-off errors; condition number.
  • Matrix norms: definitions and computations for given matrices (note that you should know how matrix norms are "induced" by the corresponding vector norms).
  • Direct methods for systems of linear equations: Gaussian elimination, LU factorization and Cholesky factorization (computational algorithms, computational cost, advantages and disadvantages).
  • Inutility of determinants for numerical computations.
  • Pivoting and round-off errors.
  • Approximation of linear equations (differential, integral, delay, etc.) using system of algebraic equations.
  • Iterative solution of systems of equations using the Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods: algorithms, computational cost and sufficient conditions for convergence.
  • Properties and applications of special matrices: orthogonal, unitary, symmetric, positive-definite, self-adjoint, etc.
  • Matrix inverse vs. left inverse; orthogonal vs. left-orthogonal matrices.
  • QR algorithm: properties of the matrices Q and R, relationship to Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization and Householder transformation, reduced vs. full implementation.
  • Overdetermined systems of equations: solution in the least-squares sense and its geometric interpretation, relationship to the QR algorithm, applications to linear regression.
  • Characterization of the spectrum of a given matrix using Gelfand's formula and Gershgorin's theorem.
  • Computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors: power method, inverse power method and acceleration via the Rayleigh quotient.