Review Questions

  • What are the origins of the Runge phenomenon in polynomial interpolation?
  • Given a set of points (x_i,y_i), i=1,...,N and an approximating function in the form y= Ax + B, use the least--squares method to derive a system of equations characterizing the unknown parameters A and B; how do solutions of approximation and interpolation problem differ?
  • Derive an estimate for the order of accuracy of the trapezoidal rule for numerical integration.
  • Why are the Gaussian quadratures more accurate than the Newton-Cotes quadratures for a given order of the interpolating polynomial? What are the disadvantages of the Gaussian quadratures?
  • Compare the Runge-Kutta and multistep methods for numerical integration of ODEs.
  • Analyze implementation of Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions in finite-difference solutions of boundary value problems (both for ODEs and elliptic PDEs).
  • How to solve efficiently sparse algebraic systems depending on the number of their diagonals
  • Discuss the criteria determining the choice of time step for explicit and implicit integration schemes for parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs
  • Derive and compare explicit and implicit (in time) schemes for numerical solution of parabolic PDEs
  • Compare the different variants of the Finite Element Method for solution of a given ODE or PDE.