MSc (Statistics), McMaster University

Distributions and their Relationships

Since we are beginning to venture into random variables, and soon distribution functions, I thought I’d share an infographic showing just some distributions and how they relate to each other.

By the end of your studies, you will be familiar with a fraction of this graph, and Stats 2D03 will only cover some basic important ones, but enjoy nonetheless:


Advice on studying for the test

Like I mentioned in tutorial, your textbook has a list of problems in at the end of each chapter, broken into 3 sections: Problems, Theory, and Self-Test.

While the problems have answers for you to check, the Self-Test offers suggested solutions, which can really help walk you through some questions. The theory, while useful, has no solutions given at all.

If you need to budget your time to study, focus on studying the following things: Lecture notes, Assignment questions, End of Chapter Self-Tests. The test is not meant to trick you, rather, check to see if you have a good understanding of the material. So you can expect the questions to resemble something like the “intermediate difficulty” problems — not the easiest ones, but also not the ultra difficult ones at the end.

As always, drop me an email if you need some clarification.


Please visit avenue for important information relating to 2D03. (“I didn’t know there was a test, it wasn’t on the tutorial website” will not work as an excuse…)

Course Instructors: Dr. FengDr. Lozinski

Course TAs: T01, T02: Samantha-Jo Caetano; T03, T04: Aleksandar Jovic

Welcome Stats2D03 Fall2016!

Tutorials will begin the week of September 12th in HH/305

T04  Wednesday 14:30 – 15:20

T03  Thursday 12:30 – 13:20

T02  Thursday 17:30 – 18:20

T01  Friday 09:30 – 10:20

This website is under construction, so expect some minor tweaks from time to time.