Linear Algebra (Math 2255)

In the first of two courses, we will look at matrices and systems of linear equations; linear transformations and matrices; elementary matrix algebra; determinants; vector spaces; change of bases; real eigenvalues and eigenvectors; applications.

Course Information

Time Class: MW 4:30-5:30
Class: F 3:30-4:30
Place Class: MW BB 1075
Class: F BB 1021
Instructor Adam Van Tuyl
Office: RB 2015
Office Hours: Tues: 2:30-3:30, Wed: 10:30-11:30
Text Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 3rd Edition
by David C. Lay


After every class, I will summarize what we did in class and highlight the topics for which you will be responsible.

Last Updated: Dec. 20, 2005