Programs for Spreading and Covering Numbers in paper of Babcock and Van Tuyl

Adam Van Tuyl

Department of Mathematics and Statistics
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON, Canada
L8S 4L8

Programs for the spreading and covering numbers

In the paper

Ben Babcock and I described a number of algorithms to bound the spreading and covering number of a graph.

As promised in the introduction of paper, we have included the code for our algorithms. The code has been implemented into the computer algebra system Macaulay 2.

If you can think of any improvements, please let either Ben or me know!

Ben has also posted this code to: GITHUB

Macaulay 2 Code

The following code has been checked on Macaulay 2 version 1.4. The first function is a based upon the CoCoA code of Carlini, Ha, and Va Tuyl to compute the covering number.

-- Macaulay2 function for computing the covering number, that is, the
-- minimum number of monomials of degree d required to cover the monomials of
-- degree d + 1.
-- v1.0
-- Ported to Macaulay2 by Ben Babcock 
-- Based on original CoCoA algorithm by E. Carlini, H. T. Ha, and A. Van Tuyl.

coveringNumber = (n,d) -> (
if n == 1 then return 1;
if d == 1 then return n;

k := binomial(d + n - 1, n - 1);
S := QQ[x_1..x_n];
T := QQ[z_1..z_(k - n)];

Ad := flatten entries gens((monomialIdeal(gens S))^d);
AdPlus1 := flatten entries gens((monomialIdeal(gens S))^(d + 1));

Powers := for i from 1 to n list x_i^d;
Powers2 := {};
for i from 1 to n do (
for j from 0 to (#Powers - 1) do (
Powers2 = append(Powers2, x_i*Powers#j);

AdPrime := select(Ad, i -> not member(i,Powers));
AdPlus1Prime := select(AdPlus1, i -> not member(i, Powers2));

W := for i from 0 to (#AdPrime - 1) list (Powers | drop(AdPrime,{i,i}));

Igens := {};
for i from 0 to (#AdPlus1Prime - 1) do (
m := AdPlus1Prime#i;
mQuotients := for j from 1 to n list (if gcd(m, x_j) == 1 then continue; m//x_j);
Igens = append(Igens,
product apply(mQuotients, m -> (
product for i from 0 to (#W - 1) list (if member(m, W#i) then continue; z_(i+1))

ISimpComp := monomialIdeal Igens;
return(k - dim(T/ISimpComp));
The second function is also based on CoCoA code by Carlini, Ha, and Van Tuyl; this function computes the spreading number.

- Macaulay2 function for computing the spreading number
-- v1.0
-- Ported to Macaulay2 by Ben Babcock 
-- Based on original CoCoA algorithm by E. Carlini, H. T. Ha, and A. Van Tuyl.

spreadingNumber = (n,d) -> (
if n == 1 or d == 1 then return 1;
if d == 2 then return n;

k := binomial(d + n - 1, n - 1);
S := QQ[x_1..x_n];
T := QQ[z_1..z_k];

-- In the ring S, first determine all monomials of degree d. Second,
-- determine which pair of monomials have a LCM of degree d+1
monoS := (monomialIdeal(gens S))^d;
Sd := flatten entries gens monoS;
idealGens := {};
for i from 1 to k do (
for j from (i + 1) to k do (
m := lcm(Sd#(i - 1), Sd#(j - 1));
degm := first degree m;
if degm == d + 1 then idealGens = append(idealGens, z_i*z_j);

-- Construct the Stanley-Reisner ring and compute its dimension
ISimpComp := monomialIdeal idealGens;

SPREADING NUMBER: The following is some of our new code to compute the spreading number

-- Macaulay2 algorithm for finding a greedy lower bound for the spreading number
-- v0.5
-- Ben Babcock 

needsPackage "EdgeIdeals";

getMaxIndepSet = method();

getMaxIndepSet = (n,d) -> (
if n == 1 or d == 1 then return 1;
if d == 2 then return n;

k := binomial(d + n - 1, n - 1);
x := local x;
z := local z;

S := QQ[x_1..x_n];
T := QQ[z_1..z_k];

-- In the ring S, first determine all monomials of degree D. Second,
-- determine which pair of monomials have a LCM of degree D+1

monoS := (monomialIdeal(gens S))^d;
Sd := flatten entries gens monoS;
Pairs := {};
for i from 1 to k do (
for j from (i + 1) to k do (
m := lcm(Sd#(i - 1), Sd#(j - 1));
degm := first degree m;
if degm == d + 1 then Pairs = append(Pairs,{z_i, z_j});

G := graph(T,Pairs);
L := vertices G;
W := {};

while(#L > 0) do (
v := first L;
if #W == 0 then v = L#(random(0, #L - 1))
else (
-- Select a vertex of minimum degree
dV := apply(L, i -> degreeVertex(G, i));
v = L#(position(dV, i -> i == min dV));

-- Add that vertex to the set
W = append(W,v);

-- Remove v and its neighbours from L
L = toList(set(L) - ({v} | neighbors(G,v)));

return #W;


-- Macaulay2 function for computing the spreading number of S_n(d)

-- This algorithm uses a recursive random greedy algorithm to generate
-- maximal independent sets, which serve as lower bounds. It then checks
-- square-free monomials of the next degree to see if they encode a larger
-- independent set, using the symmetry of S_n(d) to reduce the number
-- of monomials that must be checked.

-- v0.7 (now with less MemoryLeak, I promise)
-- Ben Babcock []

needsPackage "EdgeIdeals";

-- Given a list of vertices, build an independent set
-- Used in the greedyMaxIndepSet algorithm
buildIndepSet = method();
buildIndepSet(Graph, List, List) := (G,L,I) -> (
    v := first L;

    if #I == 0 then v = L#(random(0, #L - 1))
    else (
-- From the remaining vertices, select the vertex with the smallest degree.
-- This way, we are choosing the vertex that will have the "lowest impact"
-- on the number of vertices removed from contention.
for i from 1 when i < #L do (
if degreeVertex(G, L#i) < degreeVertex(G, v) then v = L#i;
    I = append(I, v);
    -- Remove any vertices adjacent to v from L
    L = toList(set(L) - ({v} | neighbors(G,v)));

    -- Are there any vertices left?
    if #L == 0 then return I;

    return buildIndepSet(G,L,I);


-- Iterate over monomials of each degree until we have found the maximum
-- independent set
-- Required Parameters
-- S The ring QQ[x_1..x_n]
-- G The graph S_n(d)
-- initialBound An initial lower bound on the spreading number
-- W The initial maximal independent set
-- Legend A hash table encoding vertices z_i => monomials in S
-- inverseLegend A hash table encoding monomials in S => vertices z_i
checkMonomials = (S, G, initialBound, W, Legend, inverseLegend) -> (
    T := ring G;
    use T;

    -- We will use the best bound we have, which is either the initial bound
    -- or the size of the initial set, whatever is largest
    activeDegree := if initialBound > #W then initialBound else (#W + 1);

    -- Get the symmetric group of degree n
    sGroup := symmetricGroup S;

    -- Create the initial generators of the ideal we'll use to test a candidate set
    -- We'll start with the edge ideal and any permutations of our initial set
    genList := permuteMonomials(S, G, sGroup, Legend, inverseLegend, W) | (edges G);

    while true do (
<< endl << "W is " << W << endl;
<< "Active degree is " << activeDegree << endl;

-- Now we iterate through the squarefree monomials of degree activeDegree.
combo := toList(1..activeDegree);
time passed := while true do (
-- Check if the last combination was empty (i.e., no more squarefree
-- monomials of this degree).
if #combo == 0 then break {};

-- Create the corresponding set of vertices from the combination
m := apply(combo, i -> z_i);

-- Check if this set is independent (i.e., does it contain any smaller
-- maximal independent set? If no, does it contain any edges?
if not any(genList, V -> isSubset(V, m)) then break m;

combo = nextCombination(numgens T, combo);

if #passed == 0 then break
else (
W = greedyMaxIndepSet(G, passed);
genList = permuteMonomials(S, G, sGroup, Legend, inverseLegend, W) | genList;
activeDegree = #W + 1;
    << endl << "W is " << W << endl;
    return W;


-- A greedy algorithm that takes a graph and an independent set on that graph as input.
-- The independent set can be empty, in which case the graph will choose a random vertex
-- from which to begin building the set. However, passing a non-empty, non-independent
-- set will result in an error.
-- The function outputs a maximal independent set

greedyMaxIndepSet = method();
greedyMaxIndepSet(Graph, List) := (G,W) -> (
    use ring G;

    if #W == 0 then W = buildIndepSet(G, vertices G, {})
    else if not isSubset(W, vertices G) then error "Expected second argument to be a list of vertices.";
    m := product W;
    I := edgeIdeal G;
    M := monomialIdeal m;
    J := I : M;

    -- If J is the unit ideal, the set isn't independent!
    if J == 1 then error "Expected an independent set.";

    -- If J is generated by monomials of degree 1, we may be done.
    possiblyMaximal := false;
    if max(apply(degrees J, i->i#0)) == 1 then possiblyMaximal = true;

    -- First we find all vertices not in the neighbourhood of W. If this list has
    -- one element, we add it to the set before saying we are done.
    newVertices := toList(set(select(vertices G, i -> degreeVertex(G, i) > 0)) - (W | neighbors(G, W)));

    if possiblyMaximal and #newVertices == 0 then return W;
    if possiblyMaximal and #newVertices == 1 then return(W | newVertices);

    -- Otherwise, we induce a subgraph on the new list of vertices.
    H := inducedGraph(G, newVertices, OriginalRing => true);
    -- Select a random vertex of H and build a new independent set
    V = buildIndepSet(H, newVertices, {});
    return greedyMaxIndepSet(H, W | V);


-- Generate the next r-combination from a list m of r elements (lexicographical order)
-- m is a subset of {1,..n}
nextCombination = (n,m) -> (
    r := #m;
    if r > n then return {};

    -- Check if the subset is equal to {n - r + 1,...,n}
    if m == toList((n - r + 1)..n) then return {};

    m = new MutableList from m;
    i := r;

    while m#(i - 1) == (n - r + i) do i = i - 1;
    m#(i - 1) = m#(i - 1) + 1;

    for j from (i + 1) to r do m#(j - 1) = m#(i - 1) + j - i;

    return (new List from m);


-- Given a list of vertices, apply each permutation from the symmetric group to
-- every vertex. This results in a list of permuted sets of vertices, or rotations and
-- reflections of the set. This operation preserves independence of sets.
permuteMonomials = (S, G, sGroup, Legend, inverseLegend, W) -> (
    L = {};
    for i when i < #sGroup do (
newGens := {};
sigma := sGroup#i;
for j when j < #W do (
-- Use the legend to look up the value of this vertex in its
-- original ring. Factor it.
f := factor Legend#(W#j);
m := 1;

for k when k < #f do (
m = m*(x_(sigma#(index(f#k#0)) + 1)^(f#k#1));

-- Translate this monomial back to the graph ring
newGens = append(newGens, inverseLegend#m);
L = append(L, newGens);
    return(unique L);


recursiveTransform = (dMinusTwo, nMinusOne) -> (
    -- dMinusTwo has monomials from S_n(d - 2)
    -- We must adjust them by multiplying by x_1^2
    use ring first dMinusTwo;
    dMinusTwo = apply(dMinusTwo, i -> i*x_1^2);

    -- nMinusOne has monomials from S_{n - 1}(d)
    -- We must adjust the indices of their indeterminates by +1
    use ring first nMinusOne;
    nMinusOne = apply(nMinusOne, i -> (
apply(factor i, f -> (
x_(index(f#0) + 2)^(f#1)
    return (dMinusTwo | nMinusOne);


-- This is the main event.
-- Required Parameters
-- n The number of indeterminates, x_1..x_n
-- d The degree of the monomials that interest us
-- Options
-- InitialSet An initial independent set to use as the seed.
-- Passing a non-independent set results in an error.
-- Default empty.
-- OutputSet Boolean. When true, output the maximum independent
-- set. When false, output just the number. Default false.
spreadingNumber = method(Options => {InitialSet => {}, OutputSet => false});

spreadingNumber(ZZ,ZZ) := opts -> (n,d) -> (
    if n == 1 or d == 1 then return 1;
    if d == 2 then return n;

    k := binomial(d + n - 1, n - 1);
    S := QQ[x_1..x_n];
    T := QQ[z_1..z_k];

    -- In the ring S, first determine all monomials of degree d. Second,
    -- determine which pair of monomials have a LCM of degree d + 1
    use S;
    Sd := flatten entries gens((monomialIdeal(gens S))^d);
    Pairs := {};
    legend := {};
    for i from 1 to k do (
legend = append(legend, {z_i, Sd#(i - 1)});

for j from (i + 1) to k do (
m := lcm(Sd#(i - 1), Sd#(j-1));
degm := first degree m;
if degm == d + 1 then Pairs = append(Pairs,{z_i,z_j});

    -- This table will match up generators of T with monomials of S_n(d)
    legend = hashTable legend;
    inverseLegend := applyPairs(legend, (p,q) -> (q,p));

    -- Construct the graph S_n(d)
    G := graph(T, Pairs);

    -- This is the best lower bound we have so far
    initialBound := k//n;

    -- Use a greedy algorithm to construct an initial maximal independent set
    initialSet := apply(opts.InitialSet, i -> inverseLegend#(sub(i,S)));
    initialSet = greedyMaxIndepSet(G, initialSet);

    -- call to new function here (checkMonomials()?)
    finalSet := checkMonomials(S, G, initialBound, initialSet, legend, inverseLegend);
    if opts.OutputSet then return apply(finalSet, v -> legend#v)
    else return #finalSet;


-- Return a list of elements of the symmetric group of degree n
symmetricGroup = method();
symmetricGroup(Ring) := R -> (
    -- This line from the Monomial Ideals chapter, by Serkan Hosten and Gregory Smith,
    -- of Computations in Algebraic Geometry with Macaulay2
    L := terms det matrix table(numgens R, gens R, (i,r) -> r^(i + 1));
    sGroup := {};

    -- Construct a hashtable to represent each permutation (starting from 0 instead of 1)
    for i when i < #L do (
elem := {};
f := factor L#i;
for j when j < #f do (
if index f#j#0 =!= null then elem = append(elem, {index f#j#0, f#j#1 - 1});
sGroup = append(sGroup, hashTable elem);

    return sGroup;


-- Macaulay2 algorithm for finding an upper bound for the spreading number
-- Ben Babcock []

needsPackage "EdgeIdeals";
spreadingNumberBound = (n,d) -> (
if n == 1 or d == 1 then return 1;
if d == 2 then return n;

k := binomial(d + n - 1, n - 1);
x := local x;
z := local z;

S := QQ[x_1..x_n];
T := QQ[z_1..z_k];

-- In the ring S, first determine all monomials of degree D. Second,
-- determine which pair of monomials have a LCM of degree D+1

monoS := (monomialIdeal(gens S))^d;
Sd := flatten entries gens monoS;
Pairs := {};
for i from 1 to k do (
for j from (i + 1) to k do (
m := lcm(Sd#(i - 1), Sd#(j - 1));
degm := first degree m;
if degm == d + 1 then Pairs = append(Pairs,{z_i, z_j});

G := graph(T,Pairs);
L := vertices G;
W := {};

while(#L > 0) do (
v := first L;
if #W == 0 then v = L#(random(0, #L - 1))
else (
-- Select a vertex of minimum degree
dV := apply(L, i -> degreeVertex(G, i));
v = L#(position(dV, i -> i == min dV));

-- Add that vertex to the set
W = append(W,v);

-- Remove v and its neighbours from L
L = toList(set(L) - ({v} | neighbors(G,v)));

-- For each vertex in the maximal set, find its neighbours and add them to that vertex
newGens := apply(W, v -> (v + sum neighbors(G,v)));
edgeIdealGens := apply(edges G, product);

-- Create a new ideal with these new generators
modifiedIdeal := ideal(edgeIdealGens | newGens);
modifiedIdealDim := time dim modifiedIdeal;
upperBound := modifiedIdealDim + #newGens;

-- If the upper bound matches the cardinality of the maximal set, then it must be
-- the spreading number.
if #W == upperBound then print "Lower bound and upper bound equal.";
return upperBound;


- Macaulay2 function to compute an upper bound of the spreading number
-- Ben Babcock []

needsPackage "EdgeIdeals";

isClique = method();
isClique(Graph, List) := (G,c) -> (
for i when i < #c do (
for j from i + 1 to (#c - 1) do (
if not isEdge(G, {c#i, c#j}) then return false;
return true;


spreadingNumberBound = (n,d) -> (
if n == 1 or d == 1 then return 1;
if d == 2 then return n;

k := binomial(d + n - 1, n - 1);
S := QQ[x_1..x_n];
T := QQ[z_1..z_k];

-- In the ring S, first determine all monomials of degree d. Second,
-- determine which pair of monomials have a LCM of degree d + 1
Sd := flatten entries gens((monomialIdeal(gens S))^d);
Pairs := {};
legend := {};
for i from 1 to k do (
legend = append(legend, {z_i, Sd#(i - 1)});

for j from (i + 1) to k do (
m := lcm(Sd#(i - 1), Sd#(j-1));
degm := first degree m;
if degm == d + 1 then Pairs = append(Pairs,{z_i,z_j});

-- This table will match up generators of T with monomials of S_n(d)
legend = hashTable legend;
inverseLegend := applyPairs(legend, (p,q) -> (q,p));

-- Construct the graph S_n(d)
G := graph(T, Pairs);

-- Partition the vertices of G by the transposition (12...n-1)
remainingVertices := vertices G;
parts := while #remainingVertices > 0 list (
currentVertex := first remainingVertices;
vClass := {currentVertex};
while(true) do (
f := factor legend#(currentVertex);
m := 1;

for k when k < #f do (
i := index f#k#0;
if i < (n - 1) then i = (i + 1) % (n - 1);
m = m*(x_(i + 1)^(f#k#1));
m = inverseLegend#m;
currentVertex = m;
if m == first remainingVertices then (
if #vClass == 1 then vClass = append(vClass, m);
vClass = append(vClass, m);
remainingVertices = toList(set(remainingVertices) - set(vClass));

numPartsCliques := 0;
parts = for i when i < #parts list (
if #(unique parts#i) == 1 then continue
else (
if isClique(G, parts#i) then numPartsCliques = numPartsCliques + 1;
sum parts#i
edgeIdealGens := apply(edges G, product);

modifiedIdeal := ideal(parts | edgeIdealGens);
modifiedIdealDim := time dim(T/modifiedIdeal);
--print modifiedIdealDim;
return modifiedIdealDim + #parts - numPartsCliques;

COVERING NUMBER: The following is some of our new code to compute the covering number

-- Macaulay2 function for computing an upper bound of the covering number
-- v1.1
-- Ben Babcock 

needsPackage "EdgeIdeals";

getMinimalCover = (n,d) -> (
if n == 1 or d == 1 then return 1;
if d == 2 then return n;

k := binomial(d + n - 1, n - 1);
S := QQ[x_1..x_n];
T := QQ[z_1..z_k];

-- In the ring S, first determine all monomials of degree d. Second,
-- determine which pair of monomials have a LCM of degree d + 1
Sd := flatten entries gens((monomialIdeal(gens S))^d);
Pairs := {};
legend := {};
for i from 1 to k do (
legend = append(legend, {z_i, Sd#(i - 1)});
for j from (i + 1) to k do (
m := lcm(Sd#(i - 1), Sd#(j-1));
degm := first degree m;
if degm == d + 1 then Pairs = append(Pairs,{z_i,z_j});

-- This table will match up generators of T with monomials of S_n(d)
legend = hashTable legend;
inverseLegend := applyPairs(legend, (p,q) -> (q,p));

-- Construct the graph S_n(d)
G := graph(T, Pairs);

-- Find all upward cliques (each is identified by a monomial from S_n(d - 1))
SdMinus1 := flatten entries gens((monomialIdeal(gens S))^(d - 1));
upwardCliques := hashTable apply(SdMinus1, i -> ({i, for j from 1 to n list i*x_j}));

-- Our initial set, for the cover generator, will be the cliques containing
-- x_1^d,...,x_n^d, because these each belong to one and only one clique.
upCover := for i from 1 to n list upwardCliques#(x_i^(d - 1));

-- Get a list of all vertices in the cover
W := flatten upCover;
coveredVertices := unique apply(W, w -> inverseLegend#w);

while true do (
uncoveredVertices := toList(set(vertices G) - coveredVertices);
if #uncoveredVertices == 0 then break;

-- Select a random vertex and find the upward cliques associated with it
v := legend#(uncoveredVertices#(random(0, #uncoveredVertices - 1)));
U := select(values upwardCliques, i -> member(v, i));

candidateClique := first U;
for i from 1 when i < #U do (
-- Determine how many vertices are in the cover
vInCover := select(U#i, j -> member(j, W));
if #vInCover == 0 or #vInCover < #select(candidateClique, j -> member(j, W)) then candidateClique = U#i;

-- Add the candidate clique to the cover
upCover = append(upCover, candidateClique);
coveredVertices = coveredVertices | apply(candidateClique, w -> inverseLegend#w);

-- Minimize the cover
while true do (
-- Get the frequency for each vertex (how many cliques contain it)
vertexFreq := new MutableHashTable;
for i when i < #upCover do (
for j when j < #(upCover#i) do (
v := (upCover#i)#j;
if vertexFreq#?v then vertexFreq#v = vertexFreq#v + 1
else vertexFreq#v = 1;

-- Iterate over the cliques. If there is a clique in which no vertex is of frequency
-- 1, then the clique is not essential to the cover and may be discarded
discard := for i when i < #upCover do (
c := upCover#i;
essential := false;
for j when j < #c do (
if vertexFreq#(c#j) == 1 then (essential = true; break;);
if not essential then break i;

if discard =!= null then upCover = drop(upCover, {discard,discard})
else break;

return #upCover;


needsPackage "EdgeIdeals";

coveringNumberBound = (n,d) -> (
<< "Degree " << d << " in " << n << " variables " << endl;
if n == 1 or d == 1 then return 1;
if d == 2 then return n;

k := binomial(d + n - 1, n - 1);
S := QQ[x_1..x_n];
T := QQ[z_1..z_k];

sGroup := symmetricGroup S;

-- In the ring S, first determine all monomials of degree d. Second,
-- determine which pair of monomials have a LCM of degree d + 1
Sd := flatten entries gens((monomialIdeal(gens S))^d);
Pairs := {};
legend := {};
for i from 1 to k do (
legend = append(legend, {z_i, Sd#(i - 1)});
for j from (i + 1) to k do (
m := lcm(Sd#(i - 1), Sd#(j-1));
degm := first degree m;
if degm == d + 1 then Pairs = append(Pairs,{z_i,z_j});

-- This table will match up generators of T with monomials of S_n(d)
legend = hashTable legend;
inverseLegend := applyPairs(legend, (p,q) -> (q,p));

-- Construct the graph S_n(d)
G := graph(T, Pairs);

-- Find all upward cliques (each is identified by a monomial from S_n(d - 1))
SdMinus1 := flatten entries gens((monomialIdeal(gens S))^(d - 1));
upwardCliques := hashTable apply(SdMinus1, i -> ({i, for j from 1 to n list i*x_j}));

-- Our initial set, for the cover generator, will be the cliques containing
-- x_1^d,...,x_n^d, because these each belong to one and only one clique.
upCover := for i from 1 to n list upwardCliques#(x_i^(d - 1));

-- Get a list of all vertices in the cover
W := unique flatten upCover;

graphOrbits := reverse orbits(n,d);
for orb when orb < #graphOrbits do (
--<< "Orbit: " << graphOrbits#orb << endl;
f := factor product for i when i < #(graphOrbits#orb) list x_(i+1)^(graphOrbits#orb#i);
for i when i < #sGroup do (
sigma := sGroup#i;
v := product for j when j < #f list (x_(sigma#(index(f#j#0)) + 1)^(f#j#1));

-- If v is in the cover, skip it
if member(v, W) then continue;

-- Find the upward cliques that contain v
U := select(values upwardCliques, i -> member(v, i));

candidateClique := first U;
for i from 1 when i < #U do (
-- Determine how many vertices are in the cover
vInCover := select(U#i, j -> member(j, W));
if #vInCover == 0 or #vInCover < #select(candidateClique, j -> member(j, W)) then candidateClique = U#i;

-- Add the candidate clique to the cover
upCover = append(upCover, candidateClique);
W = W | candidateClique;

print ("Unminimized cover (size: " | #upCover | ")");
--print upCover;

-- Minimize the cover
while true do (
-- Get the frequency for each vertex (how many cliques contain it)
vertexFreq := new MutableHashTable;
for i when i < #upCover do (
for j when j < #(upCover#i) do (
v := (upCover#i)#j;
if vertexFreq#?v then vertexFreq#v = vertexFreq#v + 1
else vertexFreq#v = 1;

-- Iterate over the cliques. If there is a clique in which no vertex is of frequency
-- 1, then the clique is not essential to the cover and may be discarded
discard := for i when i < #upCover do (
c := upCover#i;
essential := false;
for j when j < #c do (
if vertexFreq#(c#j) == 1 then (essential = true; break;);
if not essential then break i;

if discard =!= null then upCover = drop(upCover, {discard,discard})
else break;

print("Minimized cover (size " | #upCover | ")");
--print upCover;

return #upCover;

-- List all the orbits of S_n(d)
-- These correspond to the partitions of d of length at most n
orbits = method();
orbits(ZZ,ZZ) := (n,d) -> (
-- We want partitions of d
parts := partitions d;

-- Now keep only those partitions of length n or smaller
parts = select(parts, i -> (#i <= n));

-- A plain list is fine, and we want to pad shorter entries
return apply(parts, i -> (
i = toList i;
if #i < n then (
difference := n - #i;
zeros := for j from 1 to difference list 0;
return (i | zeros);
) else return i;

-- Return a list of elements of the symmetric group of degree n
symmetricGroup = method();
symmetricGroup(Ring) := R -> (
-- This line from the Monomial Ideals chapter, by Serkan Hosten and Gregory Smith,
-- of Computations in Algebraic Geometry with Macaulay2
L := terms det matrix table(numgens R, gens R, (i,r) -> r^(i + 1));
sGroup := {};

-- Construct a hashtable to represent each permutation (starting from 0 instead of 1)
for i from 0 to (#L - 1) do (
elem := {};
f := factor L#i;
for j from 0 to (#f - 1) do (
if index f#j#0 =!= null then elem = append(elem, {index f#j#0, f#j#1 - 1});
sGroup = append(sGroup, hashTable elem);

return sGroup;

Last Updated: May 12, 2015