-- Macaulay2 algorithm for finding a greedy lower bound for the spreading number
-- v0.5
-- Ben Babcock
needsPackage "EdgeIdeals";
getMaxIndepSet = method();
getMaxIndepSet = (n,d) -> (
if n == 1 or d == 1 then return 1;
if d == 2 then return n;
k := binomial(d + n - 1, n - 1);
x := local x;
z := local z;
S := QQ[x_1..x_n];
T := QQ[z_1..z_k];
-- In the ring S, first determine all monomials of degree D. Second,
-- determine which pair of monomials have a LCM of degree D+1
monoS := (monomialIdeal(gens S))^d;
Sd := flatten entries gens monoS;
Pairs := {};
for i from 1 to k do (
for j from (i + 1) to k do (
m := lcm(Sd#(i - 1), Sd#(j - 1));
degm := first degree m;
if degm == d + 1 then Pairs = append(Pairs,{z_i, z_j});
G := graph(T,Pairs);
L := vertices G;
W := {};
while(#L > 0) do (
v := first L;
if #W == 0 then v = L#(random(0, #L - 1))
else (
-- Select a vertex of minimum degree
dV := apply(L, i -> degreeVertex(G, i));
v = L#(position(dV, i -> i == min dV));
-- Add that vertex to the set
W = append(W,v);
-- Remove v and its neighbours from L
L = toList(set(L) - ({v} | neighbors(G,v)));
return #W;
-- Macaulay2 function for computing the spreading number of S_n(d)
-- This algorithm uses a recursive random greedy algorithm to generate
-- maximal independent sets, which serve as lower bounds. It then checks
-- square-free monomials of the next degree to see if they encode a larger
-- independent set, using the symmetry of S_n(d) to reduce the number
-- of monomials that must be checked.
-- v0.7 (now with less MemoryLeak, I promise)
-- Ben Babcock [bababcoc@lakeheadu.ca]
needsPackage "EdgeIdeals";
-- Given a list of vertices, build an independent set
-- Used in the greedyMaxIndepSet algorithm
buildIndepSet = method();
buildIndepSet(Graph, List, List) := (G,L,I) -> (
v := first L;
if #I == 0 then v = L#(random(0, #L - 1))
else (
-- From the remaining vertices, select the vertex with the smallest degree.
-- This way, we are choosing the vertex that will have the "lowest impact"
-- on the number of vertices removed from contention.
for i from 1 when i < #L do (
if degreeVertex(G, L#i) < degreeVertex(G, v) then v = L#i;
I = append(I, v);
-- Remove any vertices adjacent to v from L
L = toList(set(L) - ({v} | neighbors(G,v)));
-- Are there any vertices left?
if #L == 0 then return I;
return buildIndepSet(G,L,I);
-- Iterate over monomials of each degree until we have found the maximum
-- independent set
-- Required Parameters
-- S The ring QQ[x_1..x_n]
-- G The graph S_n(d)
-- initialBound An initial lower bound on the spreading number
-- W The initial maximal independent set
-- Legend A hash table encoding vertices z_i => monomials in S
-- inverseLegend A hash table encoding monomials in S => vertices z_i
checkMonomials = (S, G, initialBound, W, Legend, inverseLegend) -> (
T := ring G;
use T;
-- We will use the best bound we have, which is either the initial bound
-- or the size of the initial set, whatever is largest
activeDegree := if initialBound > #W then initialBound else (#W + 1);
-- Get the symmetric group of degree n
sGroup := symmetricGroup S;
-- Create the initial generators of the ideal we'll use to test a candidate set
-- We'll start with the edge ideal and any permutations of our initial set
genList := permuteMonomials(S, G, sGroup, Legend, inverseLegend, W) | (edges G);
while true do (
<< endl << "W is " << W << endl;
<< "Active degree is " << activeDegree << endl;
-- Now we iterate through the squarefree monomials of degree activeDegree.
combo := toList(1..activeDegree);
time passed := while true do (
-- Check if the last combination was empty (i.e., no more squarefree
-- monomials of this degree).
if #combo == 0 then break {};
-- Create the corresponding set of vertices from the combination
m := apply(combo, i -> z_i);
-- Check if this set is independent (i.e., does it contain any smaller
-- maximal independent set? If no, does it contain any edges?
if not any(genList, V -> isSubset(V, m)) then break m;
combo = nextCombination(numgens T, combo);
if #passed == 0 then break
else (
W = greedyMaxIndepSet(G, passed);
genList = permuteMonomials(S, G, sGroup, Legend, inverseLegend, W) | genList;
activeDegree = #W + 1;
<< endl << "W is " << W << endl;
return W;
-- A greedy algorithm that takes a graph and an independent set on that graph as input.
-- The independent set can be empty, in which case the graph will choose a random vertex
-- from which to begin building the set. However, passing a non-empty, non-independent
-- set will result in an error.
-- The function outputs a maximal independent set
greedyMaxIndepSet = method();
greedyMaxIndepSet(Graph, List) := (G,W) -> (
use ring G;
if #W == 0 then W = buildIndepSet(G, vertices G, {})
else if not isSubset(W, vertices G) then error "Expected second argument to be a list of vertices.";
m := product W;
I := edgeIdeal G;
M := monomialIdeal m;
J := I : M;
-- If J is the unit ideal, the set isn't independent!
if J == 1 then error "Expected an independent set.";
-- If J is generated by monomials of degree 1, we may be done.
possiblyMaximal := false;
if max(apply(degrees J, i->i#0)) == 1 then possiblyMaximal = true;
-- First we find all vertices not in the neighbourhood of W. If this list has
-- one element, we add it to the set before saying we are done.
newVertices := toList(set(select(vertices G, i -> degreeVertex(G, i) > 0)) - (W | neighbors(G, W)));
if possiblyMaximal and #newVertices == 0 then return W;
if possiblyMaximal and #newVertices == 1 then return(W | newVertices);
-- Otherwise, we induce a subgraph on the new list of vertices.
H := inducedGraph(G, newVertices, OriginalRing => true);
-- Select a random vertex of H and build a new independent set
V = buildIndepSet(H, newVertices, {});
return greedyMaxIndepSet(H, W | V);
-- Generate the next r-combination from a list m of r elements (lexicographical order)
-- m is a subset of {1,..n}
nextCombination = (n,m) -> (
r := #m;
if r > n then return {};
-- Check if the subset is equal to {n - r + 1,...,n}
if m == toList((n - r + 1)..n) then return {};
m = new MutableList from m;
i := r;
while m#(i - 1) == (n - r + i) do i = i - 1;
m#(i - 1) = m#(i - 1) + 1;
for j from (i + 1) to r do m#(j - 1) = m#(i - 1) + j - i;
return (new List from m);
-- Given a list of vertices, apply each permutation from the symmetric group to
-- every vertex. This results in a list of permuted sets of vertices, or rotations and
-- reflections of the set. This operation preserves independence of sets.
permuteMonomials = (S, G, sGroup, Legend, inverseLegend, W) -> (
L = {};
for i when i < #sGroup do (
newGens := {};
sigma := sGroup#i;
for j when j < #W do (
-- Use the legend to look up the value of this vertex in its
-- original ring. Factor it.
f := factor Legend#(W#j);
m := 1;
for k when k < #f do (
m = m*(x_(sigma#(index(f#k#0)) + 1)^(f#k#1));
-- Translate this monomial back to the graph ring
newGens = append(newGens, inverseLegend#m);
L = append(L, newGens);
return(unique L);
recursiveTransform = (dMinusTwo, nMinusOne) -> (
-- dMinusTwo has monomials from S_n(d - 2)
-- We must adjust them by multiplying by x_1^2
use ring first dMinusTwo;
dMinusTwo = apply(dMinusTwo, i -> i*x_1^2);
-- nMinusOne has monomials from S_{n - 1}(d)
-- We must adjust the indices of their indeterminates by +1
use ring first nMinusOne;
nMinusOne = apply(nMinusOne, i -> (
apply(factor i, f -> (
x_(index(f#0) + 2)^(f#1)
return (dMinusTwo | nMinusOne);
-- This is the main event.
-- Required Parameters
-- n The number of indeterminates, x_1..x_n
-- d The degree of the monomials that interest us
-- Options
-- InitialSet An initial independent set to use as the seed.
-- Passing a non-independent set results in an error.
-- Default empty.
-- OutputSet Boolean. When true, output the maximum independent
-- set. When false, output just the number. Default false.
spreadingNumber = method(Options => {InitialSet => {}, OutputSet => false});
spreadingNumber(ZZ,ZZ) := opts -> (n,d) -> (
if n == 1 or d == 1 then return 1;
if d == 2 then return n;
k := binomial(d + n - 1, n - 1);
S := QQ[x_1..x_n];
T := QQ[z_1..z_k];
-- In the ring S, first determine all monomials of degree d. Second,
-- determine which pair of monomials have a LCM of degree d + 1
use S;
Sd := flatten entries gens((monomialIdeal(gens S))^d);
Pairs := {};
legend := {};
for i from 1 to k do (
legend = append(legend, {z_i, Sd#(i - 1)});
for j from (i + 1) to k do (
m := lcm(Sd#(i - 1), Sd#(j-1));
degm := first degree m;
if degm == d + 1 then Pairs = append(Pairs,{z_i,z_j});
-- This table will match up generators of T with monomials of S_n(d)
legend = hashTable legend;
inverseLegend := applyPairs(legend, (p,q) -> (q,p));
-- Construct the graph S_n(d)
G := graph(T, Pairs);
-- This is the best lower bound we have so far
initialBound := k//n;
-- Use a greedy algorithm to construct an initial maximal independent set
initialSet := apply(opts.InitialSet, i -> inverseLegend#(sub(i,S)));
initialSet = greedyMaxIndepSet(G, initialSet);
-- call to new function here (checkMonomials()?)
finalSet := checkMonomials(S, G, initialBound, initialSet, legend, inverseLegend);
if opts.OutputSet then return apply(finalSet, v -> legend#v)
else return #finalSet;
-- Return a list of elements of the symmetric group of degree n
symmetricGroup = method();
symmetricGroup(Ring) := R -> (
-- This line from the Monomial Ideals chapter, by Serkan Hosten and Gregory Smith,
-- of Computations in Algebraic Geometry with Macaulay2
L := terms det matrix table(numgens R, gens R, (i,r) -> r^(i + 1));
sGroup := {};
-- Construct a hashtable to represent each permutation (starting from 0 instead of 1)
for i when i < #L do (
elem := {};
f := factor L#i;
for j when j < #f do (
if index f#j#0 =!= null then elem = append(elem, {index f#j#0, f#j#1 - 1});
sGroup = append(sGroup, hashTable elem);
return sGroup;
-- Macaulay2 algorithm for finding an upper bound for the spreading number
-- Ben Babcock [bababcoc@lakeheadu.ca]
needsPackage "EdgeIdeals";
spreadingNumberBound = (n,d) -> (
if n == 1 or d == 1 then return 1;
if d == 2 then return n;
k := binomial(d + n - 1, n - 1);
x := local x;
z := local z;
S := QQ[x_1..x_n];
T := QQ[z_1..z_k];
-- In the ring S, first determine all monomials of degree D. Second,
-- determine which pair of monomials have a LCM of degree D+1
monoS := (monomialIdeal(gens S))^d;
Sd := flatten entries gens monoS;
Pairs := {};
for i from 1 to k do (
for j from (i + 1) to k do (
m := lcm(Sd#(i - 1), Sd#(j - 1));
degm := first degree m;
if degm == d + 1 then Pairs = append(Pairs,{z_i, z_j});
G := graph(T,Pairs);
L := vertices G;
W := {};
while(#L > 0) do (
v := first L;
if #W == 0 then v = L#(random(0, #L - 1))
else (
-- Select a vertex of minimum degree
dV := apply(L, i -> degreeVertex(G, i));
v = L#(position(dV, i -> i == min dV));
-- Add that vertex to the set
W = append(W,v);
-- Remove v and its neighbours from L
L = toList(set(L) - ({v} | neighbors(G,v)));
-- For each vertex in the maximal set, find its neighbours and add them to that vertex
newGens := apply(W, v -> (v + sum neighbors(G,v)));
edgeIdealGens := apply(edges G, product);
-- Create a new ideal with these new generators
modifiedIdeal := ideal(edgeIdealGens | newGens);
modifiedIdealDim := time dim modifiedIdeal;
upperBound := modifiedIdealDim + #newGens;
-- If the upper bound matches the cardinality of the maximal set, then it must be
-- the spreading number.
if #W == upperBound then print "Lower bound and upper bound equal.";
return upperBound;
- Macaulay2 function to compute an upper bound of the spreading number
-- Ben Babcock [bababcoc@lakeheadu.ca]
needsPackage "EdgeIdeals";
isClique = method();
isClique(Graph, List) := (G,c) -> (
for i when i < #c do (
for j from i + 1 to (#c - 1) do (
if not isEdge(G, {c#i, c#j}) then return false;
return true;
spreadingNumberBound = (n,d) -> (
if n == 1 or d == 1 then return 1;
if d == 2 then return n;
k := binomial(d + n - 1, n - 1);
S := QQ[x_1..x_n];
T := QQ[z_1..z_k];
-- In the ring S, first determine all monomials of degree d. Second,
-- determine which pair of monomials have a LCM of degree d + 1
Sd := flatten entries gens((monomialIdeal(gens S))^d);
Pairs := {};
legend := {};
for i from 1 to k do (
legend = append(legend, {z_i, Sd#(i - 1)});
for j from (i + 1) to k do (
m := lcm(Sd#(i - 1), Sd#(j-1));
degm := first degree m;
if degm == d + 1 then Pairs = append(Pairs,{z_i,z_j});
-- This table will match up generators of T with monomials of S_n(d)
legend = hashTable legend;
inverseLegend := applyPairs(legend, (p,q) -> (q,p));
-- Construct the graph S_n(d)
G := graph(T, Pairs);
-- Partition the vertices of G by the transposition (12...n-1)
remainingVertices := vertices G;
parts := while #remainingVertices > 0 list (
currentVertex := first remainingVertices;
vClass := {currentVertex};
while(true) do (
f := factor legend#(currentVertex);
m := 1;
for k when k < #f do (
i := index f#k#0;
if i < (n - 1) then i = (i + 1) % (n - 1);
m = m*(x_(i + 1)^(f#k#1));
m = inverseLegend#m;
currentVertex = m;
if m == first remainingVertices then (
if #vClass == 1 then vClass = append(vClass, m);
vClass = append(vClass, m);
remainingVertices = toList(set(remainingVertices) - set(vClass));
numPartsCliques := 0;
parts = for i when i < #parts list (
if #(unique parts#i) == 1 then continue
else (
if isClique(G, parts#i) then numPartsCliques = numPartsCliques + 1;
sum parts#i
edgeIdealGens := apply(edges G, product);
modifiedIdeal := ideal(parts | edgeIdealGens);
modifiedIdealDim := time dim(T/modifiedIdeal);
--print modifiedIdealDim;
return modifiedIdealDim + #parts - numPartsCliques;