Opening session. [#17]

Jim Zidek's Gold Medal Address, "The Weighted Likelihood / La vraisemblance pondérée". [#19]

Robert Fay, United States Bureau of the Census. [#23]

Jim Zidek. [#18]

Michael Perlman. [#20]

John Koval and Neil Arnason. [#22]

Jerry Lawless and John Koval. [#45]

Cyntha Struthers and Mary Lesperance. [#12]

Noel Cressie and Michael Stephens. [#46]

Michael Perlman and David Brillinger. [#6]

James & Tim Ramsay, Nancy Heckman. [#31]

Tim Ramsay delivers the Pierre Robillard Award Address. [#29]

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