Jonathan Taylor, winner of the Pierre Robillard Award. [#55]

Edward Susko, winner (with Michael Bronskill, Simon Graham and Robert Tibshirani) of The Canadian Journal of Statistics Award. [#54]

Usha and Muni Srivastava, SSC Gold Medalist. [#61]

A Taylor series - Jonathan, Brenda MacGibbon and John. In 1960, John became the first person to receive a PhD in Mathematics from McMaster University. [#56]

Charlie Dunnett, SSC President 1982, Gold Medalist 1986. [#83]

Miklós Csörgö, a new Honorary Member. [#71]

Jonathan Taylor with his PhD supervisor, Keith Worsley. [#57]

Muni Srivastava. [#59]

David Vere-Jones and Edward Waymire. [#34]

Agnes Herzberg and Lorie Brillinger. [#63]

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