Jonathan Taylor receives the Pierre Robillard Award from Michael Evans (R) and David Brillinger (L). [#47]

Muni Srivastava receives the Gold Medal from Jack Kalbfleisch (R) and David Brillinger (L). [#48]

Miklós Csörgö is presented with Honorary Membership by Jack Kalbfleisch (R) and David Brillinger (L). [#49]

Carl-Erik Särndal is presented with Honorary Membership by Jack Kalbfleisch (R) and David Brillinger (L). [#52]

Edward Susko accepts The Canadian Journal of Statistics Award on behalf of himself and co-authors Michael Bronskill, Simon Graham and Robert Tibshirani. [#50]

Richard Lockhart receives the Service Award from Jack Kalbfleisch (R) and David Brillinger (L). [#51]

Bruce Smith and Family – Deborah Fleming and son Leith. [#44]

Yang Mao, Kyle Steenland, Nhu Le - session on "Statistical Methodology for Occupational Risk Assessment." [#64]

Muni Srivastava [#60]

Jonathan Taylor delivers the Pierre Robillard Address. [#53]

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