Math 1LS3

In this website you will find information on Section 3 of Math-1LS3 (Fall term 2016). Mainly, I will post slides that I show in class but I will not post notes that I write in the blackboard. Some of the slides can be found in the main 1LS3 webpage.


  1. Week 1 (lectures 2 and 3).
  2. Week 2 (lecture 1, lectures 2 and 3).
  3. Week 3 (lecture 1, lecture 3).
  4. Week 4 (lecture 2, lecture 3).
  5. Week 5 (lecture 2).
  6. Week 6 – recess
  7. Week 7 (lecture 3).
  8. Week 8 (lecture 1, lecture 2, lecture 3)
  9. Week 9 (lecture 1, lecture 2, lecture 3) – Riemann Sum Examples
  10. Week 10 (lecture 1, lecture 2) – Table of Antiderivatives
  11. Week 11 (lecture 1)
  12. Week 12 (lecture 1, lecture 2)
  13. Week 13 (lecture 1, lecture 3)
  14. Week 14